Saturday, April 30, 2016

Brazil Tourism

Tourism is becoming a major industry. Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo are the most visited destinations in Brazil.


Rio de Janiero 

The bustling city of Rio de Janeiro has always been a popular tourist spot. Bringing in 6.8 million tourists during its carnival period (Feb 13-17) it is expected to grow exponentially each year.

Not only does Rio de Janeiro bring in tourists for the carnival season but it is also the party mecca for both locals and visitors, with 456 block parties, parades, and additional festivals there's never a dull moment in this eventful city.

Sao Paulo

Similar to Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo brings in thousands of tourists each year. Many of the visitors follow the parades at the Anhembi Sambodromo which is the largest outdoor event venue in Sao Paulo designed by the Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer. During the 5 parade days, Sao Paulo generates a profit of $349.3 million each year.

Aside from the carnivals and festivals in the city that attract millions of tourists Brazil also has natural attractions that bring the crowd in also.


Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon rainforest is the home to over 200,000 natives and sustains thousands of species of mammals, birds, and insects. It also supplies 20% of the world's oxygen. Tourism in the Amazon provides both serene and adventurous experiences.


Pipa Beach

Pipa beach is one of the most famous beaches in Brazil. It is located next to the city of Natal, the capital city of state of Rio Grande do Norte. Pipa beach is the home of dreamy lagoons, tall cliffs, and dolphin and turtle filled waters. Not to mention the perfect honeymoon spot.

Agriculture in Brazil

Crop value: R$148.4 billion (65.56 bil. USD)
Contribution to GDP: 4.53%
Agribusiness GDP (rural industry, trade, livestock, agriculture): 26.46%
Rural Population:  29,148,958

Agriculture in Brazil is very important. Their most lucrative products are coffee, soybeans, wheat, rice, corn, sugarcane, cocoa, and citrus. In Brazil, there are two main agriculture areas: South brazil and Northeast Brazil.

Southern Brazil

Two-Thirds of the country has a semi-temperate, or moderate climate. The soil is fertile and the rain levels make sure that the crops stay irrigated. This region of Brazil produces most of the country's grains, export crops, and oilseeds.


Northeast Brazil 

Unlike Southern Brazil Northeast Brazil is a lot drier and less equipped for agricultural production. It often falls victim to droughts, lack of infrastructure, and good soil due to the scarce amount of rainfall. But there are certain crops that are essential for export that can grow in these conditions such as cocoa, tropical fruits, and forest products.

Brazil GDP From Agriculture

GDP from agriculture in Brazil decreased to 12544.53 BRL Million in 2015. Agriculture contributes to 14% of the GDP in Brazil and employs 17,900,000 people. 67% are male and 14% are under the age of 14.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Three Thematic Maps

Thematic maps are designed to show a particular theme connected with a demographic area. These such maps can show physical, social, cultural, economic etc. Below are three examples

Isopleth Map

A map that ranges in similar value filled with similar colors or patterns, showing changes over space.

Choropleth Map

A map that uses differences in shading, coloring, or the placing of symbols to indicate the average values of a property or quantity in those areas.

Dot Distribution Map

A map that uses the dot symbol to show the presence of a feature or phenomenon.